Join me for an excursion to Salt Spring Island in this edition of All You Can Eat, as I go clam digging with freelance journalist and author Tom Koppel. Tom’s latest book is called Ebb and Flow, Tides and Life on Our Once and Future Planet. It’s a fascinating look at tides from many different historical, scientific, and yes, food angles. You can order it from and save 37% by clicking on the link above. You can see more photos of my excursion on my Facebook photo album.
Tom does a great job of taking what could be a very dry (pardon the pun) subject and breaks down the science into simple terms while throwing in many tales of his own adventures with tides around the world, include circumstances where the powerful flows nearly cost him his life.
In the second half of the podcast I visit The Lobster Man seafood shop on Vancouver’s Granville Island with executive chef of The Fish House at Stanley Park Karen Barnaby. Karen is the editor of Shellfish, The Cookbook, published by Whitecap Books, and if you don’t want to dig in the mud or otherwise sully your hands at procuring your own shellfish, just go right to the recipes in this book, a compilation of many of the recipes published in Whitecap cookbooks over the past few years. And you can save another 37% off the cover price by clicking on the link above and ordering from
Here’s shot of Karen Barnaby with sacks of shellfish waiting to be loaded into the Lobster Man shop. It’s spot prawn season, so you might want to hurry down and grab a couple of pounds and find a good recipe from the book. But why don’t you download the podcast first and put it on your iPod so you an listen to it while you walk around the shop.