No, we’re not featuring any Alfred Hitchcock films at this weekend’s Slow Food Film Festival but this picture I took of a poster at the Alba Truffle Festival last year tells me the master would appreciate our efforts to link food and film together.
I am a member of the Slow Food Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands convivium, and our volunteer executive committee has been working steadily over the past few months to put together an excellent program, including a homegrown documentary produced and directed by Nick Versteeg of DV Cuisine and written by yours truly called ‘Island on the Edge’. It’s all about our local food supply on Vancouver Island, what would happen if we were cut off from the mainland, and the struggles local food producers take to make sure we have access to quality foodstuffs.
You can find full details about the Film Fest here, but I’m really excited about the other films we’re showing and the amazing food and drink we’ve lined up for the special reception for the premiere of Island on the Edge on Friday night, as well as the luncheon and breaks we’re serving on Saturday when we show the rest of the documentaries. I hope to see you there!