If you’re looking for the ‘Strangest Food You’ve Ever Eaten Contest’, click here.
But more importantly, read this! My podcast, All You Can Eat, has been nominated for a James Beard Foundation Broadcast Media Award. This is my third nomination…maybe I will actually win this time! This is the first year that the Foundation is recognizing excellence in webcasts about food. I submitted Volume 2 of All You Can Eat to the Awards Committee, which featured an in-depth interview with Anthony Bourdain
when he was touring Vancouver promoting the
Les Halles cookbook and a documentary from my archives that profiled James Barber, who has always been an inspiration to me, on the occasion of the re-release of a series of his earlier cookbooks.
You can read the complete press release on the James Beard Foundation website. The awards ceremony takes place in New York City on May 8th.
The news today is welcome, as I received the notification after I flubbed my first cooking demo at the Chilliwack Humdinger RV Show. I tried to do to much in one hour, and ended up making a mess of things. Still, I managed to turn out two plates of a mixed grill, and the two guys who won the opportunity to eat polished off every scrap on their plate with much appreciation. Tomorrow I will have more time to prepare and do more talking and cooking than struggling with opening packages and burning quesadillas!