Food For Thought – Food Security 101


Food Security

This week on Food For Thought you get a taste of Bridging Borders Toward Food Security, a conference held in Vancouver by the Community Food Security Coalition and Food Secure Canada.  You may also want to check out the website of FoodShare, a Toronto-based food security agency.

What is food security?  It may not be what you think.  One definition which captures the spirit of the concept would read:  Food security is a strong, sustainable, local or regional food system that ensures access to affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to all people at all times.

It’s a mouthful, but visiting the websites posted here will lead you to an intriguing world of agencies, governments and communities all trying to reach a similar goal.  To listen to an mp3 of today’s program, click here .

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1 Response to Food For Thought – Food Security 101

  1. Winnie says:

    I agree with you: food security can be difficult to fully define, yet it’s so important that people understand: a community needs a sufficient and accessible food supply to prevent starvation and hunger among its citizens. I had difficulty grasping the concept myself as I was doing my undergrad in nutrition, but it seems our current students get it…check out point #2 in the “Top 5…” post that I just put up today:

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