I realize that the picture at left is probably not the kind of cafeteria food you expect to see during the first week of school. But it is a picture that goes perfectly on a food blog..and this could be a picture on YOUR food blog, and I can teach you how to do it.
Admit it, you’re just a little jealous of the kids going back to school with new notebooks and pens and pencils and you wish you could go back to school, too, even if it were just for a day. Well, you can. On Saturday, September 17th, at UBC’s Robson Square campus, I’m teaching a class called ‘Building and Promoting a Food Blog’.
I’ll be the food journalist guy teaching you how to come up with a theme for your blog, how to keep the content fresh and enjoyable to read, and how to get people to read it!
The ‘web’ guy who is going to teach you how to actually construct your blog and get it on the internet is Tris Hussey. I know he knows what he’s doing because he wrote that book you see on the left, ‘Using WordPress’. By the time we finish with you on Saturday the 17th you’ll not only have a blog constructed on WordPress, but some content to put on it! Click here to register or call 604-822-9564 to speak with the charming folks at the UBC Writing Centre. Bring your laptop and get ready for some tasty learning…
If you are hankering for something a little more hefty to chew on, I have other courses available as well. This year the UBC Writing Centre and I have split my Food and Travel Writing courses into Food Writing courses, in-person and online, and Travel Writing courses, in-person and online.
This way if you are really interested in one topic but not the other you can rest assured that most of the curriculum is spent on either food or travel. There will probably be one class out of the eight that will cross over into the other realm as almost all Travel Writing has some mention of food in it, and Food Writing can always have an element of travel.
But the important concepts of how to turn your ideas and experiences into stories, how to pitch editors and how to make your writing come alive are covered in all the courses. Food is Monday nights, Travel is Tuesday nights at the UBC Point Grey Campus in October and November.
If you can’t commit to being somewhere at the same time for eight weeks in a row, and I know I have that problem myself sometimes, you can opt for the online version of the courses, and do your readings and assignments from anywhere in the world….yes, even your favourite neighbourhood coffeeshop.
All the courses feature personalized feedback and constructive criticism from me and a chance to interact with some of my fellow writers and an editor or two during guest lecture/chat situations. More info? Ready to register? Click here. Hope to see you soon….