Spring has sprung —or at least the asparagus has at our local asparagus farm, Pedrosa’s. And apparently it has sprung overnight. Finally the weather has cooperated after a week of cold nights. The stalks went from 0” to 12” overnight.
Jaco Pedrosa, wiping the sweat from his brows, came to greet us from the field. He had been out since dawn and would stay out doing the back breaking working of cutting asparagus until they had all been harvested for the day.
Jaco is relatively new to the process, an architect and masonry specialist by profession, he bought the established farm two years ago and has not looked back since, excited by the quality of the asparagus which rivals even the asparagus in his native Spain.
The spurt of growth is good news for everyone in the neighbourhood and even for those chefs who come as far as Victoria to get this fresh and delicately sweet asparagus. We walked away happily munching on our stalks dreaming of the asparagus themed meals for the next three weeks (the length of the asparagus season.)
Here is an example where local beats imports everytime. Just one taste of the tender and sweet asparagus will win you over forever. To see a Facebook photo album with more photos and recipe results, click here. (you don't need a Facebook account to view the photos)
(this blog posting written and some of the photos taken by Ramona Montagnes)