It’s a new year, it’s a new time to learn. Food and Travel writing are two of the most popular forms of writing these days. Online publications are devoted entirely to these topics and believe it or not, new magazines in print are springing up, and they all need content. My in-person or online Food and Travel writing courses begin January 27th through the UBC Writing Centre and it’s not too late to sign up. If you’ve ever thought of turning your travel or food experiences into stories or blogs, these are the courses for you. If you’re in the Greater Vancouver area, in-person Food and Travel Writing starts on Monday, January 27th at 7pm at the Point Grey campus.
Food and Travel Online begins on the 27th as well, but the beauty of this course is that you can be anywhere in the world to take it! (as long as you have a computer and internet connection) Each week a new segment of the course is revealed to you on a UBC website and you get to correspond with me and your fellow students on a daily basis. It’s great for people who can’t commit to being in a classroom at the same date and time eight weeks in a row. You can access the material in the course online 24/7.
Click on this link to learn more about the courses and to find out how to register.
I’m also teaching a relatively new course designed for people who want to start their own blogs. Your blog can be about any topic, food and travel included, and the course is really designed to get you thinking about a theme and focus for your blog. At the same time, I look at your writing style, grammar and spelling to make sure your blog visitors are in for a good reading experience. The technical ins-and-outs of the blog are left up to you, I mostly help you with the words you’re putting on the page, although there is a segment devoted to basic photo techniques to help you when you want to illustrate your blog with pictures. Follow this link to find out more or to register for Creating and Sustaining Your Blog.
Hope to see you online or in-person soon!