Parma Palate – Dazed and Confused

Img_0300 If I look a little overwhelmed it’s because yesterday was overwhelming!  I met 22 new classmates, as well as teaching and administration staff at the University.

I also discovered that I am one of the worst Italian speakers in the class, so I am going to have to work hard to catch up.  We ate lunch for the first time at the cooking school, and it was a strange mix of either plated food, or a buffet, or both?  There was a sort of cabbage stew with various sausages and ribs and…cow’s muzzle.  I had seen this part of the cow before on sale at the central market in Florence, but never thought it would be the first odd thing I would try on this sojourn to Italy!

It was soft and gelatinous with a bit of meat clinging to the inside….which would probably be the cheek, which I do enjoy eating.  The muzzle had a very mild flavour, wasn’t slimy, and reminded me a bit of the tendon you get in Vietnamese or Chinese soups.  Will I eat it again?  Sure, why not.

Img_0296This is the view from one of our classrooms of the park behind the ducal palace.  Wow!  But there will be no time to daydream, I’m afraid.

Our class is made up of students from all over the world.  The largest group is American, so later tonight we will celebrate US Thanksgiving along with the students in the other Master class, the one studying more Gastronomy than Culture.  But there are 3 Canadians, with Austria, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Taiwan and Spain also represented.  Just six men, the rest are women.

My roommate Andy and I hosted a big ‘first day of class’ bash last night, as it had fallen to us to continue the tradition begun last year in this large apartment.  Before I knew it Marta and Marie-Josee were cooking pasta dishes in the kitchen and we were nibbling on different cheeses, cured meats, olives and yes, even potato chips.

Almost everyone came and we ate and drank and chatted boisterously until the folks who live in Parma figured it was about time to share cabs back home.  Tonight it’s turkey for dinner!

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2 Responses to Parma Palate – Dazed and Confused

  1. Amity says:

    Buon Giorno, Don:

    I share your excitement having spent the past year researching my “roots” in Italy. I found my second generation N.American-Italian blood warmed, mannerisms better understood and curiosity even more stimulated. Even took an italian language beginners course. Perhaps I will one day get to Italy as you have.

    One of the things I am particularly interested in is Italian rabbit – coniglio. Would you please be on the look out for it, how it is prepared, how and where it is grown in Italy, and let me know what you find.

    Have a wonderful year!


  2. Don says:

    Hi Amity…I have already seen coniglio in one grocery store, so I’m sure it is quite popular here. I have a favourite recipe for it I make from a Jamie Oliver cookbook where you dust the cut-up rabbit in flour, fry it, then simmer it in tomatoes, white wine, garlic, black olives, rosemary and I think anchovy. I didn’t bring the book with me to Italy, though, so I will have to improvise!

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