So Much On My Plate – Valentine’s Day

Keep it simple, keep it easy:  When you are making dinner for Valentine’s Day, don’t sweat it!  You want to have time to spend with your loved one, not spend time in the kitchen…

For appetizers: By some high-quality crackers like Lesley Stowe’s Raincoast Crisps and serve them with your favourite antipastis.  Perhaps some duck pate, eggplant spread, some Italian salamis and mild cheeses like provolone and gouda, nothing too heavy before dinner.

Main Course:  Fast and simple means a veal or turkey scallopini.  Pound a nice veal cutlet so it’s quite thin.  Or if you can’t find turkey scallopini, ask your butcher to cut you some from a fresh turkey breast, which are more readily available at most grocery stores.  Season some flour with salt and pepper, and dredge the meat in the flour.  Heat a fry pan over high heat and add a thin sheen of olive oil.  Quickly fry the scallopini…this should take no more than 2 minutes on each side, until nicely browned.  When it comes out of the pan, squeeze some fresh lemon juice and serve.

Serve with what?  Ah, before you get the scallopini in the pan, take some mushrooms, whatever type you can get, and slice.  In a hot frypan, mix equal amounts of butter and olive oil together, then throw in the mushrooms.  Stir and fry until the mushrooms start to release some of their juices.  Season with salt and pepper, stir some more, then lower heat to medium and stir in some whipping cream.  The mushrooms will absorb the cream and create a rich, delicious mixture.

To cut the richness a bit, take a bunch of red chard.  Cut off the tough stems, rinse the leaves and cut into small pieces, about an inch or two square.  In a fry pan, heat some olive oil.  Add some chopped garlic and a couple of ounces of chopped bacon, pancetta or prosciutto.  When the bacon is crisped, stir in the chard so that it gets coated with the fat in the pan.  As it starts to wilt, reduce heat to medium and cover.  When the chard is tender, add salt and pepper, and a splash of balsamic vinegar.  Serve with warm mushrooms and hot scallopini.

Dessert:  Take 250 mls of whipping cream and heat until just about boiling in a small pot.  Remove from heat and whisk in 250 grams of chopped, dark chocolate until it melts.  That’s it!  Pour into a nice bowl and serve with chunks of pineapple, banana, strawberry, whatever strikes your fancy. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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1 Response to So Much On My Plate – Valentine’s Day

  1. Ivonne says:

    I like your simple, yet delicious approach to a Valentine’s Day menu. Freshness and quality are just as important in food as having spent 7 hours preparing a 13-course feast!

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