The Kitchen Diaries, pt. 4 – What, no cappuccino?

Img_6669Dear Mike:  Take a good look at this.  It’s the last existing photo of the kitchen in its ‘before’ stage.   The demolition started in earnest yesterday….with Gerry and Jesse knocking down the wall, electricians Rod and Cal removing all the light fixtures, heaters and outlets and shutting down various circuits.  I haven’t mentioned how our cats, Mugsy and Nebbia, are handling this.  I’m keeping them inside, downstairs, while the workers are here.  They’ve been spending time sleeping. Mugsy hiding when someone comes down here, Nebbia trying to make friends as usual.

Demo1 When I drove down to Victoria yesterday for a dentist appointment, I also purchased a new toy…a little video camera called a Flip Video Ultra. This is a very simple camera that is basically a point-and-shoot, with built-in editing software and an easy way to share the video online through YouTube, email, or even a greeting card.  The photo you see on the left is actually a snapshot from the first video I shot with the Flip. Not bad, eh? Very easy to use…you don’t even need a cable to connect to your computer, a USB connector ‘flips’ out of the camera and you just stick it in a free port.

No Cappuccino? When I returned home from Victoria, the guys had left for the day and I discovered that all the power to the outlets and lighting in our makeshift kitchen and the guest bedroom where we have taken up residence had been cut off.  That includes power to the espresso machine!!!  I made tea for this morning, but when Gerry arrived I told him what was going on and he dialed Rod who came over and was able to restore most of the power I need.  Thank you Rod!  I will be running an extension cord into the bedroom so we can power our bedside lamps.  Oh, and here is the Flip Video of Kitchen Demolition Day One, a less-than-one-minute snap of the work so far.


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3 Responses to The Kitchen Diaries, pt. 4 – What, no cappuccino?

  1. Rachel says:

    You are a brave man! That looks major. I am a little worried about your missing windows and lack of cappuccino: how will you survive? I am looking forward to following the progress. I am sure it will be fantastic when it is all done.

  2. Linda says:

    Hello Don
    Where did you find the Flip Video Ultra. I can’t find it for sale in Canada.

  3. Don says:

    You can find the Flip Video Ultra at Walmart! $158 plus taxes. Also available through at $170 plus taxes and shipping, I think.

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