Write for food, or cash!
It’s been a difficult summer for public school students in British Columbia because of the ongoing teachers’ strike. I hope both sides can come together and reach a fair and equitable settlement, soon!
That being said, the opportunities for education through the UBC Writing Centre abound, and they all get under way in just a few weeks.
I have three courses beginning near the end of September. You can click on this link to find out more about each of them. Two are basically the same. Food and Travel Writing can be taken in person on eight Monday nights at the UBC Point Grey Campus, or you can take the entire course in a 100% online format. For the online program, each week I give you a set of new readings and assignments. Assignments are reviewed with the same personalized attention I give to my in-person students. These courses are designed to get you familiar with the freelance writing process and how to get published online or in print.
My other online course is all about blogging. It’s called Creating and Sustaining Your Blog. This course is aimed at the actual content of your blog, the writing and photography, rather than the technical ins and outs of posting. I help you come up with a focus for your content, get you over that initial hump of ‘Who Am I?’ and ‘What is This Blog About?’, help you write your first blog post and plan out the next few as well.
If you have questions about any of these courses, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at don at don genova dot com.
Back to school, heck, yeah!!!