Hey, I finally did a new podcast! Volume 52 is all about cocktails, beginning with a demonstration of different kinds of drinks made with Mott’s Clamato juice, the mixer most preferred by me and thousands of others in Canada when making Bloody Caesar’s. Did you know the Caesar was created in Calgary??? Listen to my interview with Len Fragomeni, the Dean of the Mott’s Clamato Caesar School.
Len is a veritable fount of Clamato trivia, not to mention an excellent teacher of how to make a basic Caesar as well as some of the new recipes developed in a contest sponsored by Mott’s. You can find the recipes he talked about here. A really new twist puts cranberry juice, lemon juice, horseradish and sambaloelek (an Asian chili paste) together with vodka and Clamato.
Also in this edition, an interview with my old friends Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller, who are cocktail educators and the curators of the Exposition Universelle des Vins et Spiriteux,an entire museum housed on a small island on the south coast of France devoted to wines and spirits. A great new feature of the museum’s website is the archiving of several old cocktail books and restaurant menus, which you can click on to view in .pdf format and see (and try) the classic cocktails of the past.
To listen to the podcast, either go to my website and click on the podcast page for free subscription info, or listen to it right now by clicking here.

A really well written post, thank you for your hard work, please keep it up