Unfortunately my upcoming Food and Travel Writing course at UBC is full. I will teach it again in May and June, or there is an intensive version of it slated over five days the third week of July. If you really want to take the course now, the online version of Food and Travel Writing is now a go. Visit this link to register and join in the fun.
I still have room in my Exploring Local Foods course that begins in the third week of February, offered through the University of Victoria but taught at the Thrifty Foods Cooking and Lifestyle Centre in Victoria. The Centre has a fully-equipped kitchen so that means cooking and tasting our way through some great local food products.
I will also be teaching a course called, "Living a Local Food Life" at the Duncan campus of Vancouver Island University each Thursday night in April. Registration isn't online yet but you can contact the VIA Continuing Studies Faculty for more info by visiting this website.
Last week my Coffee Talk day-long course at the Drum Roaster Cafe in Cobble Hill was a great success. Thanks to all the Drum Roaster staff, especially owner Geir Oglend, for making this a very informative and entertaining session. If you are interested in taking a class like this, which includes learning about the history of coffee, production methods, tasting, pulling espresso shots and even how to properly steam your milk for cappuccinos, send me a note.
I'm very excited to welcome my friend from Italy, Judy Witts Francini, to Vancouver Island at the beginning of March. Judy is an ex-pat American who has lived in Tuscany for over 20 years now and teaches people how to cook great Italian food from that region. Judy and I will teach a special class on Monday, March 2nd, a real Tuscan menu, at the Thrifty Foods Tuscany Village store in Victoria. Spaces will go quickly for this one, so just visit the Cooking and Lifestyle Centre website for registration info.
So, hope to see you soon at any (or many) of these courses!