This is it. After ten years on CBC Radio, my Food For Thought column has been canceled. It’s one of those ‘CBC’ things…where lots of shows across the country have used the program over the past ten years, and enjoy using it, but the department that syndicates the column says they’re not really supposed to be funding me and it’s time for them to develop new columns so something had to go. That’s me. If you have something to say about the cancellation you can email the CBC Radio Syndication department at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
If you want to listen to my ‘audio retrospective’ of the column, please click here. In the meantime, if you want to hear new food programming I produce, please go to my ‘All You Can Eat’ podcast page and subscribe by clicking on the ‘Subscribe to My Feed’ button beside any podcast you see listed there. There are full instructions available once you click, and for the most ease, open the subscription link in Internet Explorer, and not Firefox. Meanwhile, now that my regular relationship with CBC has come to an end, I’m seeking sponsors for my podcast, which reaches a wide audience across North America with thousands of downloads each month. Email me at don at don genova dot com for details if you are interested.
Meanwhile, life goes on. I have just inked an agreement with, the website of Food Network Canada. I will be a guest blogger for the website, writing short bulletins about interesting West Coast restaurants and food happenings. I’ll post here when the Food Network posts my posts…gee, that’s a lot of posting. Curiously, the name of one of the blogs is ‘Food For Thought’. Well, I knew that name wasn’t original when I started using it ten years ago!
Don – I’m very angry that CBC Radio would cancel your excellent program, which I have enjoyed greatly over the many years.
It seems CBC is intent on getting rid of successful programming without realizing that they are firing experienced experts like yourself whose ongoing learning the CBC actually paid for!
I have sent an email to CBC Radio and encourage your many fans to do the same.
Unfortunately, one more reason not to tune in to CBC Radio – and they seem intent on increasing the number of reasons.
My favorite skateboarder now has time to skate over here and check out THE NEW KITCHEN!!!
All the best Don. LETS EAT!!!
I am sorry to hear that your show is cancelled. I love your insight into food and culture, you’ve taught me so much over the years, and I have always enjoyed the easy going style of your program.
You should design food tours across Canada and highlight the best of the best for people to visit on a cross coutry epicurean tour Don.
All the best.
Thank you for the years of enjoyment we have had listening to your column. We are sorry you will no longer be part of CBC. We will follow you on your other adventures. Maybe CBC will realize what a treasure you are and bring you back.
Thelma and Ed
Don: I am sorry your show on CBC has been cancelled. My habit is still to listen for your latest adventure. I agree CBC has contributed to your experience and it is short sighted to eliminate one of the reasons for listening to CBC radio. I believe over the past ten years you have inspired many foodies. Best wishes and cheers, Ardyth on Gabriola
p.s. Making a rainy day lasagna today.
Why do you even need CBC? People are turning to Internet anyway. Where’s your own online TV channel?